Sunday, February 20, 2011

Rights for 'Roids Campaign

5200 systems*
10 Asteroid belts per system*
100 Asteroids per belt*
5.2 million total Asteroids*

* Number is approximate

With a total pod pilot population of only 300,000, how is it then, we ask, that the asteroids are so under represented? With the ratio of Asteroids to pilots at 17:1, where is proportional representation?

In some, and in fact most, ‘high security’ solar systems, asteroids are being mined to extinction, and what does Concord do to stop this gross excess? Nothing.

If you fire a laser, unprovoked, at another pod pilot, Concord will respond.
If you fire a laser at a jettisoned canister, Concord will respond.
If you fire a laser at a station, Concord will respond.
If you fire a laser at a jump gate, Concord will respond.
If you fire a laser at a helpless asteroid, Concord will not respond.

And they call it high security.

Is this logical, is this fair, or is it because they are so helpless that they do not even merit our concern? Who cares, what are they going to do about it, you may ask? Well we care, we will do something about it. We will stand up against the ruthless culling those gentle giants, our friends, the ‘Roids, and obtain for them the rights that they deserve.

Mining is murder!

Chairman of the Board
New Eden Conservation Society

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